Scientific Events

First National IEEE Symposium on Eco-Intelligence (IEEE – EI, 2023) was organized at the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) FAST Lahore Campus, with the support of IEEE, WWF, European Union (EU) and International Labor Organization (ILO).

Data science technologies have the potential to offer us valid tools to assist us in addressing environmental concerns in novel and effective ways. On 27th April 2023, a national symposium on eco-intelligence (with four technical sessions) was successfully conducted which a theme of how computational methods, GIS/ remote-sensing, and artificial intelligence can manage environmental sustainability and environmental issues such as climate change, energy/water crises, sustainable agriculture/ biodiversity, prediction of natural hazards and health impacts. The symposium was organized by Dr. Saman Shahid (Professor S&H, NUCES FAST Lahore Campus) and Dr. Hammad Naveed (Director, NUCES FAST Lahore Campus) NUCES FAST Lahore Campus) with the support of NUCES-FAST, IEEE, and WWF. One CPD point was provided to the engineers.

The speakers presented their work related to AI in energywater run-off modelingflood risksdetecting wildfiresagriculture/irrigation, and crop production. Novel ideas such as environmental sustainability from cloud computing, and machine learning to forecast earthquakes were presented. The organizers, participants, and speakers supported promoted, and raised awareness towards achieving sustainable development goals for Pakistan. The symposium concluded with the aim of contributing to establishing guidelines and techniques that support sustainable development while protecting Earth’s natural systems for future generations.

On 6th May, 2024, the EHDS Lab, NUCES FAST Lahore campus arranged an important webinar on “Atmospheric Modeling” with the collaboration of SUPARCO Lahore. Prof. Dr. Saman Shahid invited Mr. Shoaib Shafique (General Manager-SUPARCO Lahore). The webinar was participated by 8th Semester computer science students who are also learning Environmental Data Science course. Students/faculty members of other disciplines also joined via. Google meet. Mr. Shoaib Shafique discussed the overview of Pakistani satellite operations for remote sensing applications, in-situ monitoring of the atmosphere, air quality measurements, case studies, satellite-based change detection, data processing tools, and retrieval algorithms. The presenter also discussed future workshops and other research activities for NUCES students. 

On 26th April, 2024, a one-workshop was organized by Prof. Dr. Saman Shahid (Director EHDS lab, NUCES-FAST Lahore Campus) and Prof. Dr. Kashif Zafar (Head FAST School of Computing) in collaboration with Arbisoft Inc. The workshop sessions covered the practical implementation of topics: NER, RNN, LSTM & BERT. The workshop also included essentials of image classification using CNNs, VGG-16, ResNet, & MobileNet. The instructors from Arbisoft (Mr. Umer Khalid and Mr. Tayyab Nasir) covered MLOps, AWS basics, introducing AWS SageMaker, and navigating the SageMaker Workflow—from preparation to deployment, complete with logging and monitoring.

Students of the Elective course: Environmental Data Science (NUCES FAST Lahore Campus) presented their projects and showcased their data science skills to solve sustainability & environmental issues.
The project presented:

  • Ozone Level Analysis
  • Fuel consumption and emissions by vehicles
  • Crop Yield Prediction
  • Rain Prediction in Australia
  • Waste Classification
  • Flood Prediction Factors
  • Disaster Risk Classification
  • Effects of Climate Changes on Crop Yields
  • Forecasting Monthly Pollution Level
  • Tsunami Prediction
  • Green Analysis
  • Wildfire California
  • Predicting IDC, Breast Cancer
  • China Air Pollution Forecasting
  • Smart Farming
  • Urban Blue Green Areas Segmentation
  • Average global temperature increase prediction
Successful Completion of Projects under EH-DS Summer Internship Program
A summer internship program (June-August 2024) is completed which was initiated by Prof. Dr. Saman Shahid (S&H Dept, NUCES Lahore Campus). The main objective of this internship was to illuminate the students’ careers and build an academic-industry linkage. Research projects were completed which were related to ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ (Mentor: Dr. Arshad Ali) and ‘Green Products’ (Mentor: Dr. Munazza Saeed). Two projects were completed with the collaboration from SUPARCO; they were related to implementing algorithms for the retrieval of aerosols/thermal anomalies from the satellite data. Mr. Shoaib Shafique from SUPARCO, appreciated the efforts of NUCES -FAST students for their excellent capabilities and potential in using their computational knowledge to solve the mysteries of climate change. 
Data Science for Environment & Sustainability

On 13th February 2025, Prof. Dr. Saman Shahid successfully conducted an insightful workshop on “Data Science for Environment & Sustainability”, through her research lab (EH-DS) and student center (NUCES FAST Lahore campus). NUCES faculty members and students participated and learned about how AI & data science play a role in tackling global sustainability challenges. Speakers from NUCES (Dr. Saman Shahid), LUMS (Dr. M.M.Awais & Dr. Zubair Khalid), SUPARCO (Dr. M. Waseem), and TenX AI (Mr. Adnan Yousaf Kazi) presented their work related to IoT based monitoring, AI for the environment, climate modeling, satellite-based remote sensing, and sustainable business solutions & governance. Through case studies, participants learned how AI is transforming to address complex environmental issues. Presenters also discussed research and finding opportunities with faculty members and students.